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Breathwork is an incredibly powerful modality for accessing and releasing blocks/stuckness, trauma/early wounding and feelings of anger, grief, guilt, shame and fear that we have been stuffing and projecting onto others in our lives.


Each Breathwork session provides a safe, sacred and powerful field for healing.


This Breathwork is unique because each client is known to Gila having already experienced her introductory workshops.  With Gila’s vast knowledge and exceptional facilitation of over 25 years, this is an incredible opportunity to release what’s holding clients back from perfect health, effortless abundance and loving relationships. 


Breathwork is an integral part of my Work, and I strongly encourage all of my clients to attend our group Breathwork workshops whenever they are offered – for your own healing, and for the healing of your family system.  – Gila Golub



Note:  Participants are partnered up for the day so that each person takes a turn as the “breather” and the “sitter” for the morning session and switching for the afternoon session.  Each session includes three hours of breathwork beginning with a guided meditation and time to share and integrate the experience after each session.


The day begins with a morning briefing and review of notes previously sent to each participant.  Breathwork is ideally done on an empty stomach, so partners may coordinate who has breakfast and will be the morning breather.


What may happen:

  • Tremendous release of emotions: shame, guilt, betrayal, abandonment, sadness, hopelessness, overwhelm & isolation

  • Release of trauma and early wounding

  • Insights into your family system beyond anything you could ever imagine

  • Access implicit memories

  • Release of physical pain and physical freedom

  • Insights from your own unconscious

  • Trips into the evolutionary realm and into past lives

  • A sense of deep peace and presence and so much more.

And all of this without the use of drugs


Please note that the first 18 people to confirm by email will be the participants.

To register and ensure your participation in the workshop and for more information,

please contact Lori Whitlum 604.833.5038 or email


It should also be noted that through regular Breathwork Gila's clients continue to find "the wound" and release their traumas or the traumas of their family systems and heal at a deeper and deeper level.


Time:   8:30 am to 6 pm 

            Everyone must park their cars at the park.

Price:  $150/person per day


What to bring: 

  • Mats

  • Pillows, blankets

  • Reusable water bottle with your name on it.

  • Eye shades (optional)


Note: If you are travelling from “out of town”, we will provide mats, blankets and pillows for you.




Available through private sessions, please contact Yonah Dwor 


“Many of us have attended breathwork with facilitators all over North America and passionately agree that there’s nothing that begins to compare to The Work of Gila Golub.  This is the best place on earth to do your work.”

– Candy Stanoyev, Food Technologist and PSYCH-K Facilitator



Copyright © 2024 Gila Golub ~ Counselling, Vancouver, BC

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