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NEXT LEVEL 3 WORKSHOP :: To Be Announced



Level Three is a life-altering week-long residential retreat held once annually. It deepens our experiences of The Work and introduces many new practices. Preparation for this workshop begins months in advance, when participants receive their email package containing an extensive autobiographical questionnaire.


During this intensive event, we begin to champion and reclaim our Inner Child, based on the model created by John Bradshaw, as well as daily Breathwork, beautiful rituals and ceremonies. Level 3 provides some opportunities for men and women to process separately in a safe and sacred space before coming back together. This workshop marks the fulfillment of a journey begun in Level One – here, participants wake-up to a passionate love affair with Self.

What clients say about Level 3 Intensive Retreat:

"I was very resistant to do level 3. I had a whole bunch of excuses why not to do it, none of which actually compelling enough to not do it. I signed up, the money came to me, my boss gave me the time off, I had buddies to drive out with. I got there and wondered how am I going to get through this. I felt resistance on and off throughout the 8 days but noticed that as the days went on, the processes got deeper and I slowly opened up and softened, I realized this was the most profound, transformational experience of my life. My life has not been the same since, and I am forever grateful."

- Lisa Letwin, Account Executive, Bell Media


“…Gila’s Level 3 Workshop was a major turning point in my life. It was there that I shed the self-loathing and fear that I have dragged with me on each step of this journey. I do not have the words to express the exquisite sweetness of finally being at peace with who I am. I feel empowered. I feel free. I feel happy. My life used to be something I endured. Now it is an exciting adventure full of magic and mystery. Thanks to all her years of study with Dr. Gordon Neufeld, Gila was there to guide me step-by-step from being a paralyzed mother to a loving and attached mother. From the depths of my soul, THANK YOU GILA, for your work.” 

- Loris Adams, Primary School Teacher


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